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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A look in the past

It's so crazy for me to walk into the studio every day and see all that we have accomplished.  French Kiss Fitness started her life in an awkward space on Harrison Blvd in Ogden.

Then:  1 pole room with concrete floors and 6 poles.  We used to use hair dressers mats to cushion our feet.
Now:  2 pole rooms.  Wood flooring and professional grade crash mats.

Then:  Aerial room with 1 rig.  The old studio had a dropped ceiling.  The aerial silk rigs would come through a cut out hole in the ceiling.  We used to use a bean bag to cushion our falls :)
Now:  Tall ceilings, 3 rigs, crash mats.

Then:  The hardest move you could learn was a shoulder mount....maybe a gemeni if you were lucky.
Now:  Handsprings, pole drops, spatch cock...and other unbelievable tricks

Then:  No online reservation system.  We had a sign up board behind the front desk.  You could only take one class each week and it was a 4 week series.  If you wanted to take an additional class, you had to pay extra.
Now:  Really convenient online reservation system that allows you to bounce around the schedule freely.

Then:  Classes were $100/month.  It included one class each week.
Now:  Packages starting at $25/month!

It is truly amazing how far the studio has come.  We were one of the first pole studio's to open in the country 6 years ago.  Now, pole studio's are scattered all across the world.  It's such a great community to be a part of.  Cheers to another 6 years!

Enjoy some pictures of the olden days :)

^ That is Becca without dreads ^
She has been with me since the beginning of time :)

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