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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Free Kisses!

Now you can get free kisses when you make a purchase or refer another student. By kisses...I really mean "points". Here's how it works.

For every dollar you spend, you get 1 point.
For every class you attend, you get 1 point.
For every friend you refer, you get 200 point.

1 point = 1 cent
Your kisses are automatically calculated by our online system. When you log in to your account, you will be able to see your rewards points total.

Everytime your membership dues come out, that counts as a purchase. So let's say you paid your membership for this month and it was $50 + you attended 10 classes + you referred 2 friends. Your total rewards for the month = 460 kisses which is equal to $4.60.

You can use your rewards "kisses" to pay for workshops, merchandise, private parties, and also to help pay for drop in classes for you or your friends.
The only thing points can not be used for are monthly membership dues.

So cool!

When you refer a friend, make sure they tell the receptionist who it was that referred them so you are guaranteed your referral points.

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